bee42 weekly #14: Interessante Blogpost, Artikel & Co.!
Liebe Entwickler & Administratoren,
auch diese Woche haben wir Euch wieder eine kleine aber feine Linksammlung zusammengestellt:
- DevOps Gathering | February 19 - 21, 2018 in Bochum
- Kubernetes Cluster mit Rancher RKE provisionieren
- Using Linuxkit to Build an AWS Image (AMI)
- Terraform(ing) Blue-Green Swarms of Docker (VMware vCenter)
- Comparing 7 Monitoring Options for Docker
- Test all the things in gitlab-ci with docker by example
- Building healthier containers
- Getting Started With BuildKit
- Deploying A Secure Public Docker Registry with Nginx and Traefik
- A sneak peek at LCOW
- A Foray into the World of Containerd
die bee42 crew